A CONMAN builder who fraudulently promised to deliver luxury garden rooms for customers has been jailed for three years.

Christopher Escrader, 35, swindled six victims from Essex out of a combined total of £278,000 during his campaign of lies.

The builder ran several companies called Hudson Garden Rooms Ltd, Hudson Bespoke Builders Ltd, Hudson (Essex) Ltd and Hudson Living Ltd.

Chelmsford Crown Court heard Hudson Garden Rooms Ltd, which most victims used, went into liquidation but Escrader continued to trade and take payments.

Chelmsford Weekly News: Abandoned - shells of the luxury garden rooms were left after the projects were left incompleteAbandoned - shells of the luxury garden rooms were left after the projects were left incomplete (Image: Essex Trading Standards)

Essex Trading Standards launched an investigation in September 2019 after receiving numerous complaints from Escrader’s victims across the county.

The court heard he would visit the individuals and create 3D drawings of the dream builds, with prices ranging from £20,000 to £108,000 for the projects.

Escrader would then set out installation dates and collect 90 per cent of the payment before any work even started on site.

Promised start dates were delayed and construction would begin but then slow or cease.

Chelmsford Weekly News: Con - Christopher Escrader failed to complete the projects he started but still took hefty paymentsCon - Christopher Escrader failed to complete the projects he started but still took hefty payments (Image: Essex Trading Standards)

Victims were left with half-finished shells and non-ordered products before later finding incorrect materials had been used.

Customers also discovered they had paid up to £7,500 for planning permission and building control approval, despite no applications being made.

The six victims paid over £278,000 to Escrader for shells, incomplete builds and in one case, no work at all.

Collectively, they had to fork out about £150,000 to rectify the work to a finished state.

Escrader, of School Lane, Little Melton, Norwich, admitted four offences of fraudulent trading and was jailed for three years.

Chelmsford Weekly News: Hearing - Escrader was sentenced at Chelmsford Crown CourtHearing - Escrader was sentenced at Chelmsford Crown Court (Image: Archant)

He was also banned from being a company director for seven years.

Recorder Edward Renvoize said: “You have stopped being a businessman and have become a conman".

He continued: “They [the victims] feel gullible, but they shouldn’t, you are talented salesman. To your shame you put those skills to use."

“You lost sight of the service you were supposed to provide and instead of stopping and focusing you continued taking money.

“You could have been candid and honest and given them the choice. You took away that choice.”