THE mother of a passenger killed in a fatal collision near Braintree says she is “disappointed” following the sentencing of the driver.

Kane Gornall’s blue Ford Fiesta left the B1018 Witham Road in Cressing and was in collision with a tree shortly after midnight on September 25, 2021. 

Gornall of Flemming Way, Witham, was driving when the collision happened.

Sadly, 25-year-old passenger Jake Blease died from his injuries at the scene.

Gornall admitted causing death by dangerous driving when he appeared at Chelmsford Crown Court on Tuesday, April 4.

He was sentenced last Thursday, when he was jailed for four years and eight months and banned from driving for more than six years.

Chelmsford Weekly News: Jailed - Kane Gornall was jailed last weekJailed - Kane Gornall was jailed last week (Image: Essex Police)

Jake’s mother Cheryl Marshall said: “When I heard the sentence, I was disappointed as I don’t think it reflected the gravity of what had happened and Gornall’s blatant disregard for the laws of the road and safety of his passengers. 

“I appreciate that no sentence would ever bring Jake back, but his life was worth so much more than the sentence handed out.

“Gornall may serve two years and four months, but we, as Jake’s family and friends, are facing a life sentence.

“Jake had his whole life in front of him until it was cruelly snatched away from him on that night. 

“I will never get to see him get married, have children of his own or grow old.

“Every day, I, and all his family and his friends, still feel the extreme pain and enormous hole that losing Jake has left us with and, unfortunately, that will never go away.”

Chelmsford Weekly News: Tragic - Jake Blease died as a result of the crashTragic - Jake Blease died as a result of the crash

Investigating officer PC Alan Marks, of the serious collision investigation unit, said: “Kane Gornall was driving his car with his two passengers that night.

“The trio had met up a very short time before leaving Witham and were on their way in the car to collect Kane’s girlfriend from Braintree.

“Sadly, they never got there. The car left the road and collided with a tree.

“From getting into the car to Jakes’ untimely death was under three minutes. In that short time two families’ lives changed forever. 

“When officers arrived at the scene, Kane Gornall was tested for drink and drugs and was over the limit for both at the roadside. 

“He had also been speeding.

“Our investigation showed the car had been travelling in excess of 100mph in the run-up to the collision, twice the speed limit for the road.

“The combination of excessive speed and impaired reactions meant that Kane Gornall lost control of the car - something that was completely avoidable.

“The judge has seen fit to jail him for four years and eight months.

“I know it will never bring Jake back to his family, but I hope today brings some closure for them.”